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From, July 28, 2019:
Getting on Top of Your Work Improves Your Quality of Life – Here’s How.
Stress in the workplace never really just stays in the workplace — 76 percent of workers found that workplace stress harmed their personal relationships, and 66 percent have lost sleep due to problems in the office. If you want to improve your quality of life, it sometimes helps to start on the job.
Sorting out problems in the workplace isn’t always so easy, though. Trying to stay on top of all of your work can occasionally lead to even more stress or unhealthy working hours. Ensuring your job doesn’t negatively interfere with your personal life requires a good deal of balance.
A high quality of life involves being content with all aspects of your life, so it’s important that your job contributes to that. If you’re looking to increase your wellness without harming your professional reputation, here are a few things to consider:
1. Manage your time.
Time management is the single biggest tool at your disposal for getting on top of your work without overloading yourself. Though many people aren’t aware of it, poor time management is a modern epidemic, with wasted time costing employers more than $130 billion annually.
Though it’s easy to talk about the benefits of time management in the abstract, it’s not always clear how to implement it in reality. One of the best ways to start managing your time without cutting into your workflow is with a smart calendar or time management app. Smart calendars analyze your schedule to let you know exactly where your schedule can be optimized. If you’re looking for a way to manage your time more effectively, start with tech.
2. Know your responsibilities.
Forty-six percent of workers cite the size of their workload as the single biggest stress-inducing factor of their job. Even though it’s always tempting to work more in order to clear your plate, the dangers of too much work far outweigh the extra work done with after-hours office time.
If you’re currently working a healthy number of hours a week, congratulations. Unfortunately, you need to go a step further. If you’re unclear on what your responsibilities are — or where you’re letting others’ bleed into yours — you’ll always be at risk of taking on too much work in the future. Work with others to create clear guidelines as to what your job entails and what that means for your schedule. To prevent responsibility creep, know exactly what you need to do going forward. (This is also a great step to help identify when you need to hire more staff.)